Sunday, February 27, 2011

la bel

la bel

Fav titles of 2010

My Life in France- Julia Child; Cutting for Stone; Elegance of the Hedgehog; Just a Couple of Chickens- Corinne Tippett; Persephone's Island- Mary Taylor Simeti; Jigsaw- Sybille Bedford; That Summer in Sicily; The Help; Away- Amy Bloom; Claiming Ground- Laura Bell; The Madonnas of Leningrad; Lacuna- Barbara Kingsolver; Run- Ann Patchett; Girl with the Glass Feet- Ali Shaw; Somewhere Towards the End, Instead of a Letter, Stet, Yesterday Morning- Diana Athill; The Yiddish Detective Policeman Society-Michael Chabon; Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian-- Sherman Alexie; Changing my Mind-- Zadie Smith