Tuesday, November 16, 2021

poem for a hurting robin// 14nov2021

it is hard to leave this eggshell
this lightfilled nest
where you,
only occasionally- rest
a tired head,
a less tired heart
and oh-so-tired body
I want to gather your wings,
your human heavy bones,
your weary smile
want to gather them,
watch over them
Hold them tightly enough
to take away the pain-

But that I can not do
Pain of your heart I can-
kiss away,
But not the sinews and tissues
and cords of muscles-
these human heavy pieces of you.
I am sorry, my love.

All I can do is hover,
Watch your sleeping form
Hope that you wake with a smile a
little less
weary, a little less pained.
one as light as this
Unfeathered -eggshell of a
humaned, healing-

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